Thursday, December 29, 2005

and a little child shall lead them...

merry (belated) christmas, everyone!

jesus' birthday was a good one! we headed over to my aunt's house in millbrae and had dinner as usual, followed by an early opening of the gifts. we usually try and wait until midnight, but for the past couple years since the twins have been born we've either just let them open their gifts first in front of everyone and then wait until midnight for everyone else, or just open them all early. thankfully, my lola was home from the hospital and was able to be amongst her family during this holiday. she's actually staying at my aunt's house for now and so her big hospital bed takes up half the living room! we totally had no space during the gift was craaazy! we also usually go around and allow each person to open ONE gift in front of everyone and show it off, but this year it was a free for all which made things waaaay chaotic. next year i'm voting for more organization and scheduling!!!

oh, then afterwards all the cousins played the Harry Potter, Scene It! game which was pretty fun. sidenote: i just found out that the director of the first two harry potter movies has a daughter that goes to my old high school!!! craaaazy, huh?! no wonder they were premiering the 4th movie for SI alums and students before the release date. and, after playing the game i realized that i'm not as much of a harry potter movie buff as i thought i was! they ask you all these specific questions like the names of spells and creatures...but it was really fun.

christmas day my family and i went to mass and then watched memoirs of a geisha. we arrived a little late (well, before the movie started but "late" if you wanted to get a good seat) so we had to sit way in the front, and by the end of the movie my neck was permantly holding my head up to face the sky. =/ i then realized that i am getting old. later that night we hung out with the cousins and went to see the decorated houses around our area, but it was raining so we had to stay in the car.

new year's should be family and i are going to watch a football game new year's eve and then spend the countdown at my aunt's. a part of me wishes i could go out and get all craaazy (but, not too crazy, of course!) like most young adults my age, but i know my parents want me to stay home. i know this because they told me i can't go out. the joy's of living at home... =/. i've already been invited to two parties that are probably going to be really fun, but oh well. now that my lola is home it's probably better for all of us to spend the special holiday's with her.

by the way, thanks to everyone who has been praying for her and my fam. the prayers definitely worked, and my lola is definitely on the road to recovery!

the boys just could not stop eating!!!

lola, my mom, bailey, and mama

janette (bro's gf), chris, daddy, papa, nathalie, mommy, and me

the cousins (minus quite a few...)

evan opened ONE present and liked it so much he forgot about the rest, haha!



and more presents...

i wonder if my lola liked this present?!

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