Wednesday, December 12, 2007

round and round and round it goes

when it stops, nobody knows. :/

thanks kirsten, noreen, boo, & everyone else for your thoughts at this painstakingly annoying time in my life. my vertigo has not yet subsided, and i can't tell if it's getting better or if i'm just able to live with the spinning and swaying just that much more than yesterday. i've already been out of work for 3 days and i fear that when i get back things will be worse off than when i left. i'm going to suck it up and go to work tomorrow, vertigo and all. let's hope the kids will take it easy on me. yeah right, who am i kidding?

i apologize for being such a debbie downer, but i'm on a never ending teacup ride and i want to get off. please make it stop.

on a brighter note, i am able to be on the computer for short periods at a time before my vision goes all wack-o on me. i've been browsing the hundreds of wedding websites there are out there and i must say that this wedding business is serious. i mean, serious. it's like a hobby for some people. just google "wedding invitations" and you'll see what i mean. [Results 1 - 10 of about 6,540,000 for wedding invitations. (0.22 seconds)]

franchu, i need you.

question for all you readers out there: would you sacrifice your wedding detail desires (i.e. favors, invites, etc.) for the sake of getting married sooner rather than later, or would you just wait the extra months to save up for what you really want?

just wondering.

and thank you, david, for putting up with my vertigo drama. yes...vertigo does suck for everyone involved.


kirsten said...

i would say wait to get the wedding you want. you're still going to be married, who's it hurting if you wait?

still praying for you! get better soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dee!!! Don't worry about being a Debbie Downer...I was the same exact way when I got my Bell's Palsy =(...sooooooooooo bummed out and just miserable. I know your situation is different, but it still sucks big time when your health is not 100%. I'm glad you're letting it all out on your blog. It helped me a lot during that time because it was my outlet, plus my prayer warrior friends were helping out big time after they read my post. I love you so much, and I truly hope you feel better soon!!!! ***HUGS***

Anonymous said...

About the wedding really depends on how much *details* you want during your wedding. For me, it was all about the people...Michael and I saved until I could invite as much as I wanted by maxing out the room (and even then we still couldn't invite everyone). You just have to choose what's IMPORTANT to YOU (& Dave) because you only get one chance at this and you don't want any regrets...

***On a side note, thanks again a million googol times to you and Dave for coming to our wedding all the way from up north and going all the way back there on the same day for your lola's birthday!!!!! I will always cherish that in my heart...

michelle said...

hey dee. thanks for your words of encouragement. i'm definitely praying for you and i hope things get better.

ps. i agree with the two ladies before me :D

Joe said...

Yo so I know I am late to this but I am very sorry about the whole vertigo thing. That sucks! Hope it all goes a whole lot better and soon!

About the wedding, I just know I'm partying like crazy when you get married whether theres a lot of people there or you dont invite anyone and I party with just a picture of what happened, that's fine. Do what you want hahahaha. Take care!!

franny said...

sorry, i'm late. and sorry that you're experiencing the teacup thing. :( not fun. praying for you, girl.

on the wedding tip, i concur with reenie and say it all depends on what's most important to you & david. it's your wedding, after all. so don't worry about pleasing other people so much than making sure you yourself are pleased with how it all turns out.

and you know that i've got your back with the planning and stuff. tell me what you're envisioning and we can do our best to make it happen on a budget! :)

k. take care!

joyce said...

man, I'm just now catching up on your life through your blog dee!
I'm praying for you.
Make sure not to stress out about things.
Find...NO. MAKE time for some quality R&R!!!
And I will pray for you sis.

I ALSO agree with Reenie and Franny.