Tuesday, October 18, 2005

laaazy days...

i'm beginning to feel the pangs of attending a school that's on a semester system. i'm tired. =/ so is david...we were talking about how we are not used to having such long periods of class. right now i think we'd be at 10th week and about ready for finals if we were at uci...but we're only in month #2 and have about 2 more to go!!! * sigh *

with that said, i'm still enjoying what i do to a certain extent...it's just that i'm tired and me being tired makes me lazy. i'm learning a lot in all of my classes, and not to sound corny or anything, but the more i learn the more respect i have for people in this profession. it's A LOT of work to be a teacher!!! well, a good teacher, at least. i suppose you could get by with not doing any work for your students, but what good would that do? and with all the observations i have to do it's neat seeing different teachers in action, and different groups of kids, as well.

last week the teacher of the class i TA for had to leave for a few days and i got to teach the kiddos a couple lessons!!! oh my gosh it was soooo intimidating because it was 5th grade and i wasn't too familiar with the curriculum. BUT, thank goodness things went smoothly and i think the students learned a little bit from me!

and, last sunday was my first time teacher the 1st graders religious ed. it was so much fun!!! i think next time, though, i need to think of more creative ways to get kids involved and interested in what we are learning. but it's nice because i only have 12 kids...we're a small, but intimate group!

i feel old talking about this stuff....

on a more exciting note, THE GIRLS CAME TO VISIT!!! =) we had fun hanging out...but sad to say we didn't get to catch up that much because they were here just for 2 days. =( they came up friday night, and we ate at cheese factory in union square. then, on saturday we went shopping in gilroy, and had a night out on the town at luna lounge in the city. they left on sunday, but not before i took them to the filipino bbq restaurant i take all my guests: manila sunset! =) so, if y'all ever visit me, be prepared to eat there!!! it's really good!!!

speaking of really good...

i'm in this big room at the university center on campus where students can just come in and "study" (kinda similar to those rooms at the bottom of the student center at uci) and there's this group of girls sitting right near me talking soooooo LOUD!!! they seem like hiphop heads cuz they keep talking about hiphop "culture" and playing music OUTLOUD from their laptops........and they're SINGING!!! OUTLOUD!!! haha...i guess it's cool, but it's like, a study area! we're supposed to be studying!!! not discussing the hiphop artists of the 90's for everyone and their momma's to hear!!! i'm sitting here and i'm thinking to myself, man if the irvine peeps were here (you know who you are!!!) we would be having a hayday. AND we would probably try to compete with them by singing Light the Fire In My Heart Again or Building Community full out with actions and all! HAHA!!! you know we would!!! =D ah...i wish...

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