Saturday, July 01, 2006

to my dancing partner...

*edit* ;)

i think my first memories of you were when i simply thought of you as the guy from nubes who always followed joe around. then remember that night when i ran out of my apartment and you chased after me and talked to me 'till around five o'clock in the morning? our relationship changed then! nowadays you have become less of a friend....and more of a brother. i mean it when i say that i am proud of who you've become. i think sometimes i don't give you enough credit for how great of a leader you really are. there were days when i know you never thought of yourself as one, but if you look at the people around you now i know that each one of them can atest to how you've touched their lives. as for me, your presence in my life is a constant reminder of the type of friend and sister i aspire to be to others.

happy birthday, gian...go fly into the blue.

p.s. did you know that you have the same name as my hero, giovanni paulo II? coincidence? i think not... Posted by Picasa

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