Friday, December 09, 2005


the before shots...

my sister, the tree lover. and my brother doing the zoolander pose.
doesn't he look like a lumberjack?
"excuse me, do you work here?"

o the joy's of CHRISTmas!

my brother, sister, and I went shopping for a tree today...we actually did it! we always make plans to buy one early and then don't end up getting one 'till the week of, but this year we were on top of things!!! so, first me and my sister went into target to get some new ornaments -- we decided on a gold, silver, & white theme this year! while me and my sister were at target my bro was outside in the parking lot looking for trees. he told us afterwards that some lady walked up to him and asked him if he worked there. i don't blame the lady for thinking brother was wearing a mustard colored sweater to match his mustard colored Timberland BOOTS, jean shorts, and a black beanie. not to mention he's like, hella big. he really looked like all the workers there...haha! so we didn't like any of the trees outside target so we went to one other tree place not far from where we were. after arguing about whether or not we should get an 8 ft. tree as opposed to a 6 ft. tree (when our ceiling barely reaches 6 ft...) we came across one that we all liked, miraculously! this was our conversation on the way home:

me: so, what are we gonna name our tree?
chris: um, i dunno...gabriella.
me: seriously?
chris: hm, i dunno...don't think i'll be talking to the tree anytime soon.
me: turn off the radio so we could hear if the tree falls off.
chris: if the tree started to fall, i don't think there would be much we could do to stop it.
me: wouldn't it suck if the tree fell off?
chris: naw, it would suck if the tree feel off and someone ran over it.
nathalie: what if the tree fell off and like, hit someone's windshield...that would suck.
me: dude, it would suck if the tree feel off and hit someone's windshield and it cracked.
nathalie: didn't i just say that?
chris: yes, you did.

laughter all around.

me: no, it would hella suck if the tree fell off, hit someone's windshield and killed them. do you think we'd be charged for murder?
nathalie: no, it would just be a natural disaster.
me: as opposed to an accident?
oh may not seem funny to anyone else but i'm hella laughing right now! ah...good times. you never know what kind of conversation will spring up when buying a Christmas tree!

and now...

"The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other." - Burton Hillis

i can't wait...

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