Tuesday, June 27, 2006

just because they're CUTE.

happy anniversary, mommy and daddy! we ate dinner at black angus...it was nice.

cousin time. this summer has been all about the cousin time. we spend a lot of eat playing sequence and eating snow cones at the park. i love.

jei didn't want to take this picture because he didn't wanna look like tourists. oh well! we had a good time with jei as OUR tour guide...good eats at tempura house. fun times.

these were taken at their preschool...they had a multicultural day so the cousins + david went and performed filipino folk dances and hula/ori tahiti for everyone. i was the emcee and afterwards people came up to my cousin and asked, "is she a teacher?" go figure.

ah...they're growing up so fast. but they're interacting a lot more with me now so it's nice. can't wait to see what kind of people they grow up to be.

AWESOME times at the giants v. a's game last sunday...even though we lost. we played sucky, too. memento from the game: a burnt nose and forehead. ouch.

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