Sunday, September 28, 2008

the power of prayer

recently there have been lots of people i know who have been going through some rough times. my heart goes out to i wish i lived closer so that i could be there for them in their time of need. i hope they know that there are so many people out there praying for them and sending love their way. things will get better...they always do.

my students asked me recently why God allows bad things to happen. i didn't really have a straight answer for them, but instead asked them how anyone would know what true joy felt like unless they first felt pain and sorrow. how could we ever know what love is if we first do not experience heartache? how can we know life unless there is death?

praying for you, my friends.


Anonymous said...

dam, i must be preparing to know love like know other... hehe. jk. but not really. =/ good (and wise) post. thanks.

Anonymous said...

love you, dianne. thank you for your comment and your post.